Film clubs made easy.

Make a club, invite your friends and start organising regular film watching.

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We've launched!

We've just launched our public alpha version of, and we'd love to get your feedback to continously improve what we're offering.

Don't hesitate to send us your thoughts on improvements, changes, or potential new features.

Create a club

Create a club and invite up to five friends to join you in taking turns picking films for the club members to watch. You'll be able to be in multiple clubs if you'd like to watch films with different groups of friends!

Create a club screenshot
Take turns picking films screenshot

Take turns picking films

Take turns picking films, and set a regular deadline for everyone to watch each pick. You can choose to give a club between 24 hours and a month to finish watching each film.

Share your rating and review

After watching each film, share your thoughts by submitting a rating and a review. We'll show everyone's ratings and thoughts on a discussion page once the whole club has watched the film, and you can discuss each other's reviews.

Share your rating and review screenshot
Track stats over time screenshot

Track stats over time

Track ratings over time and see who picks the greatest films. We're also working on further features to give you even more insights on genres, eras, directors and actors involved in the films the group have chosen.

Sound good? Then click below to get started!

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